

Total Archery Available for Purchase in PDF Format in Various Languages

As you would be aware the original Total Archery has been sold out for a while. For  all archers worldwide to have access to this archery classic, we are making  TA available in PDF format as reprinting the book and distribution costs would otherwise put it out of the reach of many an archer.
We trust that you will use these PDF files for your personal use only.

ta cover

Buy your own copy of the original Total Archery in PDF format in either
English, French, German or Spanish
a total of 206 pages

Please note that thePDF files ar about 12MB so make sure your email can handle that size of file.

Ensure you click the language you want in the languagebox and enter your email address before hitting "Buy Now." Your copy will be emailed to the email address that you specify within
24 - 48 hours of receiving payment.

Having problems with your transaction? Please Contact Us.


Email Address

Der Bogenschütze von Innen

For our German friends an updated version of Total Archery - Inside the Archer is available again in the German language from various sources

Flag german

Neue, überarbeitete Fassung 2020/2021
BOGENSCHÜTZE VON INNEN" Normaler Preis€49.90

Verfügbar ab: sofort

und andere teilnehmende Bogensporthändler


Edition 3Flag Spain
We are very happy to advise that the Spanish edition of Total Archery has now been published by Samick Sports.
Till distribution to the variious Spanish Samick dealers have been effected and you are interested to buy copies now, please contact

Bjay at samicksports@samicksports.com
phone +82 (0) 31 982 5599
fax....... +82 (0) 31 983 3338

October 26, 2008

We are happy to advise that the Spanish translation of Total Archery can now also be purchased for US$ 59.99, from:

Robin Hood Archery
45-116 Commerce St. Suite 1
Indio, California 92201
Phone: (760) 347 88 28
Fax: (760) 342 11 75


Book Cover TA

Confusion about a third edition of Total Archery.
It has come to our notice that the publisher of TA did not publish a 3rd edition, but only did a reprint of the Second edition of TA and did not include the amendments we requested.
We sincerely apologize for any confusion caused. However, the amendments have been published on this website and will be included in any future editions.

Also, please note that the at present ONLY the Spanish edition has a white cover.

FirstEdition First Edition published in Hardcover, February, 2005


SecondEdition Second Edition - Published August 2005
Jacketed Soft cover - ISBN 89-956119-0-1

The quickest way, if you can't locate a Samick dealer in your country who stocks the book, is to order it from Alternative Sporting Services UK, who have proven to be fast and efficient and at a competitive price.
Alternative Sporting Services UK

In the USA, the book is available through various archery dealers, just Google it:-)
Forward by Jim Easton, FITA President

"It is my pleasure to write a foreword to this book written by Mr. KiSik Lee, one of the most experienced and talented archery coaches in the world.

Throughout Olympic history, every sport has had innovators--individuals who were willing to look at problems a little differently, thereby creating opportunities and changes that helped future generations of athletes. Mr. Lee's influence on archery, through his coaching skills, has been unparalleled.Over the last 20 years, Mr. Lee has proven himself to be one of the most successful archery coaches in training Olympic and World Champions and medalists. His archers have won a total of 14 medals (seven Gold) in five Olympic Games, and 23 medals (11 Gold) in the FITA Outdoor Target Archery World Championships.

After years of unrivalled success in Korea, Mr. Lee brought his innovative coaching methods to Australia. With his positive impact, the Australian men won the Gold Medal in the 2000 Olympics and the Bronze Medal in the 2004 Olympics.

Now, we all have the opportunity to read and understand the inside story of how this premier coach has achieved such success on two continents. The archery world will benefit immeasurably by learning about Coach Lee¹s innovative methods, knowledge and skills in developing high-level archers."

Review by Lloyd Brown Jr. - USA Olympic Coach Sydney 2000

"This book is great. It covers everything. Easy to read and lots of color pictures. The editing in English is excellent with Robert de Bondt from Australia putting Kisik's ideas into words. Kisik's techniques are based on biomechanics and laws of physics. He explains all of this very well. His style is a new evolution in shooting technique, some of it a departure from the Korean style. You might say he has improved on the Korean Techniques. It is a great looking book, with a full color hard cover and full color jacket."

Review by Alternative Sporting Services UK

One of the largest world wide mail order specialists. As stated in their April 2005 Newsletter:

"TOTAL ARCHERY by Ki Sik Lee: This is already our biggest selling book ever! Korean coaching legend, Ki Sik Lee, put pen to paper to share his unrivalled coaching knowledge with the rest of the archery world. A very well presented hardback book."

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