We are very happy to advise that the Spanish
edition of Total Archery has now been published by Samick Sports.
Till distribution to the variious Spanish Samick dealers have been effected and you are interested to buy copies now, please contact
Bjay at samicksports@samicksports.com
phone +82 (0) 31 982 5599
fax....... +82 (0) 31 983 3338
October 26, 2008
We are happy to advise that the Spanish translation of Total Archery can now also be purchased for US$ 59.99, from:
Robin Hood Archery
45-116 Commerce St. Suite 1
Indio, California 92201
Phone: (760) 347 88 28
Fax: (760) 342 11 75
Confusion about a third edition of Total Archery.
It has come to our notice that the publisher of TA did not publish a 3rd edition, but only did a reprint of the Second edition of TA and did not include the amendments we requested.
We sincerely apologize for any confusion caused. However, the amendments have been published on this website and will be included in any future editions.
Also, please note that the at present ONLY the Spanish edition has a white cover.