Andra Daans USA Exhibitions
Click on the above link to view the art work of Andra Daans
Andra is a world renowed artist with exhibitions in USA, Italy, France and the Netherlands
Note to all users- The National Anthem of each country has been added, refer to translation pages by clicking on the relevant flags above, Each anthem has an English translation included, which is fascinating and teaches us a lot about countries other than our own. |
Kaufhold, Ellison double up to win Indoor World Series titles
Click here for all details |
Why not give a gift that keeps on giving.
The best selling archery book, in PDF format, available in four languages

Buy your own copy of the Original Total Archery in PDF format for a fraction of original book cost in either
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A total of 206 pages
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CONGRATULATIONS to Brady Ellison on winning Individual Silver
Narrowly beaten by 5.4mm , by Kim Woojin in a one arrow shoot -off
Click HERE for all results
Brady Ellison honours his Coach of 18 years, Kisik Lee, by awarding his Silver Medal to Coach Kisik Lee
Click HERE for video presentation details |

Why visualisation is becoming a bigger part of the archery picture
Brady Ellison, the world's number-one-ranked recurve man, has said he spends five times more attention to his mental state than he does physically practising
Click here for more information
These eleven photos have been moved to the Shot Sequence Gallery page Click here or on photo |
There has been some confusion and misunderstanding regarding this aspect of the shot. The main objective at the end of the Setup position is to achieve perfect bone alignment to achieve “The barrel of the gun”.
Go to FAQ #75 for detailed explanation and photos.
Often we receive the question, "What exactly is the Barrel of the Gun" and when and how does one achieve this. This part of the KSL cycle forms part of all KSL's seminars and coaching sessions and is a vital component of the shot.
Please click here for detailed explanation